Jun 3, 2020

Kimberly and Beck fired after racists remarks

Updated: Jun 12, 2020

On June 2, 2020 on the Kimberly and Beck Radio Show 95.1 Kimberly was talking about the events of a women being beaten while trying to stop looters from getting into her store during Saturday night riots. While on air, Kimberly asked if the black men involved were — in her words — acting “N-word-ly.”

Here‘s a audio clip of her words— https://youtu.be/yEcQIHyeJo8

iHeartRadio, released the following statement on Twitter:

“We made the decision to terminate Kimberly and Beck yesterday as soon as we learned of their comments and informed them early this morning. We will not tolerate this kind of behavior, which is antithetical to our core values and beliefs and to our commitment to our community and everyone in it.”